Research evidences that taking a 10-minute walk can enhance your energy levels and abate tiredness. less intense exercise seems better than rigorous exercise for fatigue levels, so you can stick to moderate exercise.
Stretch your legs & hands out. Being stuck in idle in front of a computer all day can be a pain in the neck that can lead to stiffness and feeling wiped out. Stretching helps keep you from getting in a pooped-out knot.
When you feel sleepy, use cold water. There's nothing like a splash of cold water on your face to refresh you and try to increase the intake of liquid that boost oxygen levels.
you can also take help of switching on the cooling machine or set the face of the fan right in your face and set it on high speed. Cold air keeps your body’s heat decreasing and you will shudder yourself awake.
It's true that walking is a good idea to help you stay awake while you're still at work. If you really need to take a nap, do a 15 minute power nap and ask your seatmate to wake you up during your breaks.
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