- Retraction of nipple, nipple turned inwards or sunken into the breast.
- Irregular shape of the nipples.
- Red rashes on the nipple and areola.
- Blood or fluid discharge coming out of the nipple.
- Change in size and shape of the breast.
- Breast feels warm to the touch.
- Breast looks scaly, swollen and red.
- Pain in the breast.
If any of the above symptoms has occurred to you or any other unusual sign that you have noticed around your breast which is making you feel uneasy, concern your doctor immediately. Do remember that recognizing cancer at an earlier stage is much better than finding it out at advanced stage. And do not take the symptoms lightly. It is always suggested by the doctors to change the breast, specially the nipple portion of the breast. If you have observed retraction of the nipples or nipples discharging any sort of fluid or blood, then in this case these might be potential signs of cancer.
Moreover, another thing which is to be considered is that the symptoms for breast cancer might not come that early the moment you contracted the disease, which is why it is advisable for you to go for a regular body check up, specially older age women, as there are higher chances of contracting such cancer.
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