The relationship between sex and mental health has been a topic of discussion and research since decades. Scientists have come up with many astounding findings relating to this from time to time. While sometimes, they have put the two things on an opposing platform saying that stress makes you tired, distracted and unmotivated towards sex, and that too much of sexual desire leads to a distorted mental health, many times they have also come up with research findings that actually coordinated them in a positive way.
Following are some of the ways how sex, the most profound and beautiful thing of a human relationship, acts as a perfect stress-buster:
- Too much of stress increases blood pressure, but when two individuals have sex, their bodies release “feel-good” hormones, including oxytocin and endorphins. Eventually, they begin to associate with each other with all the positive feelings, that acts as a sort of soul-uplifter. Frequent sexual intercourse has also been associated with lower diastolic blood pressure in cohabiting participants.
- A great sex and healthy sex begins with self-esteem, and it boosts it. If the sex is heart-felt, loving, connected, and gives you mental peace, then it raises self-esteem.
- The oxytocin released during orgasm also promotes sleep. And getting enough sleep, as we all know, is good for mental health.
Other benefits of healthy sex are:
- Sex is a great form of exercise. It burns a lot of calorie.
- Healthy sex improves cardiovascular health.
- Intercourse in a balanced sex life boosts immunity.
- Sex reduces pain and strengthens pelvic floor muscles.
- Healthy and protected sex reduces prostrate cancer risk.
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