Heart Attack Symptoms in Women

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 |

It has been observed that women usually experience different kind of physical symptoms of heart attack, as compared to men. These symptoms of heart attack usually last for one month or more before they experience heart attack. Common symptoms that are usually experienced by both men and women are hypertension, diabetes, smoking, excessive intake of alcohol. In addition to these women also experiences a burning sensation in the chest or upper abdomen, abdominal discomfort or indigestion.
heart attack

It has been noticed that women experience less chest pain than do men. For this doctors as well as woman herself should be extra conscious and should be extra careful that they do not miss any of the symptoms. Because heart attack symptoms in women are often misinterpreted, they are less likely to be treated with beta-blockers, aspirin, and other heart-attack prevention medications. And which leads them at greater risk due to loss of time to seek emergency medical attention. So, get to know the early stage symptoms of heart attack in women:

  • Slight feeling of discomfort in the chest.
  • Uncomfortable pressure
  • Cold sweat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fainting
  • Unusual fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Back pain
  • Pain spreading slowly towards the shoulders, neck, jaw or arms
  • Pain below the left shoulder blade
  • Tingling in the jaw, elbow, arm or throat

heart attack in womenCommon Symptoms of heart attack in men and women:
  • Pain in stomach or in abdomen
  • Typical kind of chest pain
  • Excessive feeling of weakness
  • Cold sweat or paleness
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety Palpitations

So, take immediate preventive measures as soon as you realize these symptoms of heart attack.

Holistic Health Care Tips for Breast Cancer Patients

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 |

breast cancer preventionThe whole world comes to a standstill when someone comes to know that or she has breast cancer. Though there are many treatment procedures for the killer disease today, it becomes almost obvious that the doomsday is near. Leave alone the tremendous pain one has to bear with, the very fear of death makes living life an uphill task.

Adding complementary therapies in the form of lifestyle changes and alternative medicines to your treatment plan can help you feel better and improve your prognosis. Oncologists are of the view that when it comes to breast cancer, conventional treatment procedures like surgery, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and radiation are unavoidable. But adopting a few holistic health strategies offer effective healing benefits. Here are some health care tips that make living with breast cancer a bit easier:

Acupuncture: Stimulation of certain points on body activates key portions of the nervous system, resulting in the release of body's own pain-killers and a boost to immune system.

Dietary supplements: Apart from vitamins, minerals, and herbs, taking antioxidant supplements like turmeric help to negate the side-effects of chemotherapy. Other dietary supplements that show promise to breast cancer patients include curcumin, vitamin D3, and Maitake mushrooms.

Eat anti-inflammatory foods: Anti-inflammatory foods stop metastasis or spreading of cancer. Same is true for breast cancer. Eat more of salmon, walnuts, pumpkin seeds to prevent breast cancer.

Follow a detox-diet: Adding dark leafy green vegetables to the diet keeps kidneys and liver, the two major organs of human body, working properly so they can eliminate the harmful remains of chemotherapy drugs after they’ve done their job.

Stick to organic diet: Pesticides used during farming of non-organic crops are “xenoestrogens,” which stimulate the development of hormone-dependent tumors. So, it is always advisable to go the organic way, and start eating pesticide-free food. Regular exercise: There is no alternative to regular exercise. Sticking to a daily work-out schedule keeps immune system working in proper condition and detoxify at regular intervals.

Weight loss tips for Women Over 40

Saturday, May 15, 2010 |

weight loss tipsNow when you have touched the age of 40, you are having a challenge to meet that is to maintain a lean figure. And to be in shape you need to keep a watch on your diet and on your exercising schedule. So, here is a handy guide to explain fast weight loss tips for women over 40:

It's time to lift: Most of the women are into habit of sticking onto the cardio exercises and cardio machine area of the gym. But now that you are at your 40's, it wont do alone. You need to switch onto the weight lifting area of the gym for performing all strength exercises for your entire body.

Watch what you eat: With exercises at gym, you need to do one home work as well, you have to keep a watch that what you eat and try to figure out how you can improve your eating habits.

The 10% rule: Women when reaches the age of 40, she has to put in 10% extra efforts to reach that same shape. This is not that difficult, as it sounds to be.

Keep closer watch: If you are gaining weight speedily after 40, then it may become a bit harder for you to lose it. So, for this you need to be very strict with your diet plan. And it will be better if you keep a closer watch on any sort of change when it's just starting out, so that you can work on it immediately.

Do remember that you can lose weight at any age, but you just need to put honest efforts.

Smoking During Pregnancy - A Strict No No!

Friday, May 14, 2010 |

smoking during pregnancy

All you moms-to-be out there, listen up. If you are a smoker, and light up a fag every now and then to "de-stress" or just to break your boredom, then it's high time you quit smoking. Smoking not only harms you but also your baby. And the effects are quite long-term. Following are some of the dreadful effects of smoking during pregnancy:

  • Babies whose mothers smoke are more prone to infection.
  • Children are more likely to suffer from illnesses such as asthma.
  • Chances of cot death increases due to smoking during pregnancy.
  • Children suffer from sleep disorders from birth all the way through age 12 years.
  • For each cigarette a pregnant woman lights up each day, she raises her baby's risk of strabismus (squint) by 5 percent. Further, the effect of smoking on the debilitating eye disorder may become more potent later in pregnancy.
  • Exposure to smoke in womb risks childhood and young adulthood psychiatric problems.
  • Children born to mothers who smoked during pregnancy are more likely to pack on abdominal fat as teenagers.

Smoking during pregnancy 'may harm your son's fertility!'

So, stop smoking NOW.

5 Unusual Pregnancy Symptoms

Thursday, May 13, 2010 |

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful stages in a woman's life, and also one of the most toughest. One has to go through myriad experiences during this period of time - some good and heavenly, and some really bad. Pregnancy symptoms, for instance, can give pregnant women a real tough time. There are many obvious signs and symptoms of pregnancy. While nausea, vomiting, backache are common in most women, many moms-to-be also experience some unusual symptoms. Following are some of those off-the-track pregnancy symptoms:

pregnancy symptomsInsomnia or sleeplessness: Feeling extremely tired almost all the time is a common symptom of pregnancy. This may lead to sleeplessness. Many times it also happens, that even if you are not feeling fatigued, you suffer from sleeplessness. Doing regular light exercise, decreasing caffeine intake and relaxing are some of the best ways to treat pregnancy insomnia in a non-medical way.

Nasal Stuffiness and bleeding: Nose bleeds and stuffiness is yet another uncommon symptom of pregnancy. Try natural remedies like snorting salt water or a humidifier to treat these pregnancy symptoms. If that doesn't help, consult your gynecologist for other options.

Frequent burping & gas: Hormones secreted from the placenta and other parts of female reproductive tract send your gastrointestinal tract in a spin. That make you belch and burp in an awkward way more often than ever. Suffering from gas related problems is also one of the not-so-common signs and symptoms of pregnancy. The best way to deal with these problems is to try and avoid offending foods.

Unusual vaginal discharge: Menstruation bleeding stops at the very onset of pregnancy. But if you observe some unusual discharge from your vagina, don't get afraid. This is uncommon but certainly not unhealthy. In fact, this vaginal flow will increase in amount until the baby is born. However, consulting with a doctor is always advised if there is an odor or a change in the fluid color. Do ask your doctor about leukorrhea as well.

Constipation: The most troublesome of all pregnancy symptoms, constipation occurs due to slowing down of inter-intestinal movement by the hormones of pregnancy. Drink plenty of water, eat fiber-rich food, and do brisk walking to avoid this problem.

Enjoy Playful Sex to Break Boredom

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 |

If you are also thinking for something new, move out of your bed and try to bring some playful acts to enjoy sexual experience differently. As playful sex is considered one of the best ways to help each of you to renew the spirit, relax and to feel love for each other. Here are top three ways to enjoy playful sex.

Dancing is a perfect way to get more energetic during sexual act. Dancing is fun, and a creative idea which helps in maintaining enthusiasm between the partners. Partners can enjoy their dancing experience either by dancing for each other, or by dancing together but the important part is to take all these leisure activities lightly for the sake of fun. You can make those moments little sensuous by stepping onto your partner's feet. To make it even more provoking go for any of the hot dresses while dancing.

Massaging itself sounds refreshing but do remember that in playful sex your motive is to make your partner feel more aroused and not to make him feel relaxed. Stroking the bodies of your partner using feather is one great way to make male sex feel aroused. Light tapping strokes can also be tried. And yes woman can also caress her partner with her long hairs in a playful and seductive way.

Dressing Up

Clothes definitely play an essential role specially when choosing clothes for those intimate moments. Clothes of different styles and in provoking colors are helpful in exploring each other during each session. Though, male sex are usually found to be less interested along these kinds of initiatives taken by women.

How to Get Your Man Involved in Natural Family Planning?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 |

natural family planningIn a relationship, it is very important for both the partners to take part in family planning. Gone are those days when only women were responsible for taking care of these things and would take all sorts of measures to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Unless a man used a condom, got his vasectomy done, or practiced withdrawal in time spontaneously, it was almost always the woman who would adopt all the birth control methods. She would swallow the pills, get fitted for the intrauterine diaphragm, or rush to her gynecologist for an IUD. Dealing with any physical and emotional after effects due to unwanted conception was, in any case, a woman's foremost concern.

But now, times have changed. Male partners are equally held answerable for any kind of untoward incident that follows unprotected sex. So, it is important to get them involved in family planning. Natural family planning is based on avoiding sexual intercourse during the fertile period of women. As a birth control method, it holds great potential for involving educated and socially aware men in the process. Following are some of the ways how you should get your partner involved in natural family planning procedure:

It's very natural for you as a woman to take your body temperature, keep the charts, and interpret your menstrual cycles. But does your man ever help you take the decisions, or he just simply wraps up his duty asking, “is it safe now?”

-If that is the case, then talk to him directly regarding natural family planning and the effectiveness of birth control. Communicate with him about fertile/infertile times, abstain from sex or use a contraception method at times, and take decisions regarding family planning together. This constant healthy communication and awareness will not only increase intimacy between you two, but will also strengthen your relationship.

Helping your partner to understand your fertility cycles and charts is again your responsibility. Once you do that properly, make sure you invite him on a regular basis to participate in the charting. You can also motivate him in a positive way to check your cervical position around the time of ovulation. This type of involvement on your partner's end in natural family planning will surely add a new meaning in your relationship.

Penis Erectile Dysfunction- A Major Cause for Male Impotence

Thursday, May 6, 2010 |

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is actually the inability of the penis to achieve or sustain an erection for satisfactory intercourse. It should be very clear that problem of Erectile Dysfunction is not similar to the problems of sexual desire and problems with ejaculation and orgasm.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction can occur because of the following reasons:
Aging: Aging is one of the common reason of male impotence. Moreover, there are two main causes why older men experience erectile dysfunction than younger men. First, older men are more likely to develop diseases like diabetes mellitus, and high blood pressure etc. Second, the aging process alone can cause penis erectile dysfunction in some of the men.

Diabetes mellitus: It has also been observed that diabetic men develop erectile dysfunction 10-15 years earlier as compared to non diabetic men. Erectile dysfunction was reported by 55% of men between the ages of 50 to 60 years, in a population study conducted of men with type I diabetes for more than 10 years.

Cigarette smoking: Excessive smoking causes dysfunction of penis because cigarette smoking aggravates atherosclerosis.

Hypertension: Patients with excessive hypertension or arteriosclerosis have an increased risk of developing erectile dysfunction of penis.

Low testosterone levels: To maintain sex drive and to maintain nitric oxide levels in the, testosterone a primary sex hormone in men is responsible. So, men can suffer from low sex drive and erectile dysfunction having hypogonadism.

Depression and anxiety: Guilt, depression, anxiety, stress, low self-esteem, fear of sexual failure, these psychological factors can also be the reason for erectile dysfunction.

With proper medication, this problem of erectile dysfunction can be cured totally.

Symptoms of Killer Disease: Breast Cancer

Wednesday, May 5, 2010 |

Breast cancer, sounds terrifying and yes, is a very dangerous disease, as the worst result could lead to death of the person. But, if you get treated yourself at initial stages then there are higher chances of you to survive and you might get a complete cure for the disease. But for this you need to recognize the warning signs and symptoms of Breast Cancer:

  • Retraction of nipple, nipple turned inwards or sunken into the breast.
  • Irregular shape of the nipples.
  • Red rashes on the nipple and areola.
  • Blood or fluid discharge coming out of the nipple.
  • Change in size and shape of the breast.
  • Breast feels warm to the touch.
  • Breast looks scaly, swollen and red.
  • Pain in the breast.

If any of the above symptoms has occurred to you or any other unusual sign that you have noticed around your breast which is making you feel uneasy, concern your doctor immediately. Do remember that recognizing cancer at an earlier stage is much better than finding it out at advanced stage. And do not take the symptoms lightly. It is always suggested by the doctors to change the breast, specially the nipple portion of the breast. If you have observed retraction of the nipples or nipples discharging any sort of fluid or blood, then in this case these might be potential signs of cancer.

Moreover, another thing which is to be considered is that the symptoms for breast cancer might not come that early the moment you contracted the disease, which is why it is advisable for you to go for a regular body check up, specially older age women, as there are higher chances of contracting such cancer.

Pickle Cravings: The Funniest of All Pregnancy Symptoms


Unusual craving for foods is one of the most common pregnancy symptoms. While some women go crazy over ice creams and sweets, others prefer to dig into anything that is spicy and sinfully rich. But there is one thing that serves as a common favorite of all mothers-to-be – pickles – oily, spicy and utterly delicious preparations of fruits and vegetables.

It has almost become a cliché that craving for pickles, or for that matter, any thing sour and salty indicates that a woman is pregnant. There are many pregnancy symptoms, but this is one pregnancy symptom surrounding which many old wives' tales have flourished over the years. But why do you think pregnant women experience tis unusual craving? Is there really any relation between pregnancy and craving for pickles? Is pickle craving really one of the suggestive pregnancy symptoms?

To start with the notion that pickle craving is one of the commonest pregnancy symptoms- it is no way a definite way to be sure of your pregnancy. If you observe other signs and symptoms of pregnancy such as fatigue and nausea, swelling of breasts, frequent urination, and late commencement of period along with this unusual craving for pickles, only then you go for confirmation.

Now, coming to the reason behind such craving, there is practically no positive answer to the question as in what causes cravings for salt and sour things during pregnancy. Excessive fluctuation in the hormonal level might be be responsible for this. The body also tends to retain more water than usual during pregnancy, and blood sodium levels may need some balancing out. Hence, the cravings.

Another reason for this 'one of the possible pregnancy symptoms' is that, morning sickness during pregnancy often causes considerable fluid loss from the body. As a result, body looks for ways to compensate for this mineral loss through vomiting. Hence, the salt craving, an entire physiological outcome.

So, next time you experience a similar craving for anything sour and salty, do ask yourself - is that one of those early pregnancy symptoms?

Essentials of Baby Health Care

Monday, May 3, 2010 |

It's a wonderful experience for every mom to raise her baby and to witness each and every moment of her child's growth. But, when it comes to baby health care every mom needs to take it very seriously. Here are some baby health care tips that will help new moms in upbringing of their child in a better way.

When can your baby start drinking water

Doctors always advise that your baby doesn't need water till he/she is 6 months, as breast feeding is enough to meat the requirements of the baby. And once your baby has started teething, he or she will need fluoride to support the new teeth and so your baby needs to start drinking water.

Why your baby cries
Most of the times it has been observed that parents will do everything possible to stop their baby from crying, but they need to understand the main reason for baby crying. Problem with a diaper is one of the reasons and another reasons might be the issues related to health care. Whenever he/she starts weeping, try to make your baby little comfortable, see if, he/she is hungry or feeling thirsty, does your baby need a diaper change, whether he/she is over tired or they might have missed any of the regular naps.

Sleeping position of your baby
Babies who are into the habit of sleeping on their stomach should be advised to sleep on their back, as it has been recently discovered that babies who sleep on their stomach tends to die from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, SIDS, and so paediatrician recommends to put your child on their back to avoid the chances of SIDS and for proper health care of a child.

Always go for recommended skin care products

Experts always recommend soft and gentle skin care products to be used for a baby's skin. And it is best to use natural skin care products that are more skin-friendly and aren't harmful. Natural oils like rosemary oil, almond oil, lavender oil, jojoba oil are best for a child's delicate and soft skin.

Where Do Women Go Wrong While Having Sex??


There is no doubt saying that men are more active during sex and that is why they end up being more aggressive. And because of their aggressive attitude, they expect their female counterpart to be equally participative which in turn disturb women. Now, it comes to women they are equally responsible for any of the misconduct that happens in the bedroom. Women usually tend to keep their desires and feelings towards sex under wraps and that is why they end up annoying their men, that in another way kill their sexual pleasure. Here is a complete sex guide of all sorts of mistakes that a woman commit in bed with the right advise of the experts.

  • Being too much talkative:
It has been generally found that women talk much while having sex, and they end up spoiling the mood of their partner. Instead they should enjoy each and every touch of their partner and should understand that sex is about physical intimacy. So, excess of talking should be avoided but yes once you have completed with sexual activity you should talk and discuss about the entire activity.

  • Go for a comfortable position:
This sex guide also guides you for a comfortable position, women should demand for all those positions in which they feel comfortable. Moreover, it has been found that because of anxiety and hesitation women are unable to discuss about the newer positions in which they want to be. So, they are found much dull in bed which actually leads to restraining their partner from experiencing full pleasure.

  • Don't enjoy sex as a game:
Most important part of sex guide is that, most of the women treat sex as an obligation, which actually spoils sexual bliss of both the partners. And this tendency of women, my turn is over and its your turn, is a big turn off during such moments of togetherness. It is always advised that even if you have experienced a sense of satisfaction during orgasm, make sure you hold on for those pleasurable moments till your partner feel the same satisfaction.